Saturday, March 29, 2008


"You have no life in you
...says Jesus in John 6:53

No Life. None. Zero. Zilch.

What does it take to get it
through my thick skull.

I do NOT have what it takes.

I can NOT do it alone.

I am NOT sufficient on my own.

There is no amount of GOOD
I can do - none. What good
there is to be done, HAS
to be done through Him.

Must be God-initiated.

Otherwise, what I do is but

Hay and stubble,
Straw and cuttings.
Dried up and shriveled up
Weeds and shrubs.

Ready for one thing...

... fire

Makes very good, hot fire
that's all.

Oh - to be so fully dependent
on God, that all I do originates
from Him, and not me.

Oh settle the matter, saint
Settle it soon...

"... Without Me,
ye can do NOTHING..."
John 15:5b



Anonymous said...

Wow, that was a great post. I really liked the way it is written. Thank you! You have encouraged me as much as I have encouraged you.

I am glad you enjoyed my Impressions post and will be participating in the FF challenge!


Unknown said...

Well put--I will think on that today. I enjoyed popping in and seeing your picture and the family photos. What a lovely blog you have.