Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Are You WITH Me?

I love acronyms.

My simple mind latches
onto them,
to remind me
some most needful

This time the acronym is:


W = What
I = Is
T = The Truth
H = Here

This is how I latch on...

Am I working WITH God
or against God?

Am I working
in my circumstance,
or against Him - as in
being uncooperative?

If I find I have lost
that sense of God's peace,
I ask myself...

What Is the Truth Here
about the circumstance I am in?

Right here, right now...

how is God asking me to respond?

Will I be WITH Him in this,
or against Him?

Believing what God has to say
about any given situation,
and acting on that Truth,
is what will set me free
to be and do what is right.

I want to be WITH Him...
in all my circumstances...

and in order to do that,
I simply ask myself...

What Is The Truth Here?

" Then said Jesus to those Jews which
believed on him, If ye continue in my word,
then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free."

John 8:31-32

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