Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's the Word?

I have noticed my writing is missing a crucial element.
There's transparency. That's good - I hope.
There's imagery and illustration. That's good.
They say I write well. That's good...


Without the presence of God's Word,
my words are but a clanging keyboard.
A rattling cage saying things that won't help
anyone see Truth as God sees it.

I have some work to do.

Maybe go back and
apply Scripture
to all the previous posts...

or better yet,

start fresh and dispense the
Word that can change a life.

God's Word is eternal,
and really,
nothing else
on earth carries
kind of Clout.

So, I have some work to do.

Here's a good start...

"Though I
speak with the tongues of men
(blogging, journaling, chatting, publishing, phoning, IMing, googling, whatever)
and of angels,
(theological, scripturally correct, lofty and weighty, wise and sound)
but have not love,

I have become sounding brass or a
clanging cymbal." 1 Corinthians 13:1

And what is God's Word
but the expression of His Love...
for you and me... in written form.

A miraculous Love Letter.

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