Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Me for You, You for Me

He became what He was not,
so we could become what we are not...

Exchanging sin for holiness is a bloody mess.
Painful and agonizing.

Jesus says to Mary "look... I make all things new"
-The Passion

It's war.

So... if I would see the value of holiness,
if I would see the benefit of holiness,

I should find myself willing
to make the Great Exchange.

Oh yes, it is a bloody mess...
In the midst of His presence in my life -
there's a battle to be fought.
And He calls me to fight.
To grow up.
To trust.
To love.

Thus I shall.

If He can bleed...
for me,

I can suffer for Him.


is exchanging sin for
holiness really suffering?

Tell me what you think....
Leave me a comment....

... He who sits on the throne said,
"Behold, I am making all things new "
And He said, "Write, for these words
are faithful and true." Rev. 21:5


danielle said...

Is exchanging sin for holiness really suffering?

It is if you do it right ... by letting the Holy SPirit change you, your character, and your heart ... which is a painful and humbling process.

It isn't if you just wear the mask of holiness and refuse to face the truth of your woundings and their inevitable impact on your choices and behaviors in relationships with others.

Any place in your life where you are reactive or blame or judge or criticize or "should"-"could"-"ought" is an indication of unhealed wounds.

Asking God to show you what is going on inside your heart is a process that supports moving toward holiness in the true sense of becoming more like Christ, more compassionate, accepting and loving.

From there, you can respond more in the way Jesus would, because you have more of Jesus in you!


Jocelyne Sade said...

Any place in my life where I am reactive or blame or judge or criticize or should/could/ought is an indication of pride and of choosing to live in the flesh rather than in the Spirit.

Asking God to show me what is going on inside my heart is a process that should lead toward repentance... and it will indeed lead me to Christ-likeness if the next time opportunity comes to sin, I would choose to allow the Spirit to have control of the situation.

I do not manage my progress.
I do not manage my wounds.
I do not manage my reactions.

I hand them over.
I move over.
He takes over.

There's a fine line between doctoring myself, and allowing God to renew me. Renewal is what I need, not a healing of the old.
I need brand new renewal. re-new.
not re-old. slippery, isn't it.

It's a matter of relinquishing control... even over my own progress...