Monday, August 06, 2007

Holy Books

"A donkey with a load of holy books
is still a donkey."

Yes, I have a load of holy books.
You can see half of them in my video
there on the right under "Come and Visit"...

So - the question for me is...
am I a donkey...
just dragging the books along
from house to house?

Or am I reading, meditating and
fleshing them out in my life?

A Donkey - all up in the air about
all the holy books I own?
(or how long I've been a Christian,
or how well I can quote scripture,
or how much Bible Education I've had,
or how I'm related to the Pastor's family,
or how how long I've been at "this church",
or "who" I know in our Christian Body...
or "fill in the blank" etc.)

or Am I A Wise Woman? Quietly seeking
to become God's Woman...


Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

Thank you,Lord.
For grace.

And Jocelyn.

Anonymous said...

I cracked up to see that donkey in mid-air! I couldn't help but think that God is doing His best to relieve men of our loads, and sometimes has to dramatically get our attention. He did that for me.

I can only relate to myself, but I'll share it openly. At one time in my life I could fairly be called a rich man. I didn't think I was, because I wanted so much more. Today, I have a much better perspective of that due to having literally nothing in my pocket, but I'm more wealthy than I've ever been in terms of peace, happiness and Spirit.

I was anxious when I had "only" fifteen thousand left in the bank, but I began to learn God's kindness and providence due to my living for Him. I can honestly say that I was no longer anxious when I was spending my last dollar, and when there was nothing left, I have to tell you I was free at last. This doesn't sound right to the natural man, but Jocelyn's site of this donkey and what she wrote here causes me to open up.

I learned that God has truly called me to a time and place that thrills and fascinates me beyond all the cares and joys I've collectively enjoyed in my life. They're all wrapped up together and I was forged for the very purpose of which I'm working today. I'm deeply satisfied.

I learned one very humbling thing. God didn't want to do what He's doing with anything I had brought with me. I had to turn lose of everything and only bring myself which He tried as fine gold. Let me tell you how far that went:

Many years ago I called myself "pastor" and set up my own church called
"New Life Chapel." I was arrogant and proud to the point of not taking a collection because we didn't need it. I didn't realize we were disobeying 1Co 16:1, and I was proud that we didn't obey it. Honestly, I didn't even realize it was a command. I was so naive. I focused on Ephesians 4 where it talks about the pastoral office and imagined that I was one. I called myself "pastor." Nothing could have been further from the truth. I didn't realize the definition of that office until years later when I became acquainted with Titus 1 and 1Ti 3. Then, I realized that I had pretended something that was not holy. I could NOT qualify scripturally to that office because I was not the husband of one wife.

I began to realize the load we men put on ourselves and like that donkey found myself in mid-air. Well, I was slowly relieved of that load and brought firmly down to earth as I chose to get into conformity with God's word.

No, I still cannot qualify to be a "pastor," but I do qualify and operate as an "evangelist," (Eph 4), and I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. I am at peace with God, having obeyed His peace.

2Th 1:8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that
obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Acts 6: 7And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples
multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were
obedient to the faith.

1Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God:
and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
