Thursday, July 10, 2008


by Jocelyne Sade

Oh to know the full impact of words,
to see the damage they can wield.
As fear stricken cattle, wild running herds,
Battering down souls without shield.

Consider the blood, brutally strewn
When words are shot without thought.
Consider the lives meeting ruin
By a man's tongue when bridled not.

Consider the child rendered weak...
Or the spouse with heart now broken
By the words we choose to speak,
Laced with poison, hastily spoken.

Tongue untamed, charged with fire,
Like a flame doth quickly destroy
All sign of life, and then retires,
Soul now smoldering, devoid of joy.

There was One who took the blows
Of tongues lashing, wishing death.
He looked upon them not as foes,
for did He not give them breath?

Sneers of men, taunts, stabs and jeers,
blasphemies and false verdicts...
Thou didst absorb them all, and with tears
Embraced the assaults of derelicts.

"Forgive them!" Thou didst cry,
For all men are cursed with guilt.
"It is finished!" Thou didst cry,
then died
as thy blood was spilt.

Thy bruised, battered and disfigured face...
A Derision no other man has known.
Yea, thy Soul and body were disgraced...
And death Thy Love did not shun.

But Thou hast risen... true and bold
for Truth and Life cannot be stilled
And the story is forever told
That God, as man, for man was killed.

Yet hast resurrected as predicted;
Death destroyeth not This Life.
Death, though to men's souls addicted,
could not extinguish This Life.

May our tongues give Thee praise,
May our words reflect Thy Grace,
dispensing mercy and gracious ways
granted us from Thy Holy place.

These are the words that heal...
These are words that reveal...
to man the very heart of God.
Use them, I shall, and
to men appeal,
for Thy words are words that heal...
Selah, Thou art The Word of God.

But these (Words) are written,
that ye might believe
that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God;
and that believing
ye might have life through his name.
John 20:31

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