Sunday, April 13, 2008


There is something about a wedding
that is unmatched by any other event.

The mix of Love, Anticipation, Celebration...
Beauty everywhere... and all in one day!

A sort of Holy Blend...

And then...


othing is more beautiful than

the bride.

She can take your breath away.

She does take your breath away.

If perchance a wedding is
a rushed
affair, you will find
many willing to loan,
in order that the occasion
be a beautiful one.

It is understood.


But have you heard?

Have you heard
of the grandest
wedding of all?

A King is soon
to be married!

Have you read the news?


He is coming for his Bride.
Do you know her?

Oh How He Loves Her.
Fusses over her.
Would even die for her.

OH Blessed Church...

Beautiful Bride of the Son...

Are there whispers of joy
in your house...
things being done
and prepared...
beauty being thought of
in every possible way...
Is there love in the air...
and great anticipation
motivating all to be ready?

Are YOU ready?

Oh Please Be ready!

Your Groom is at the door!


Biblical references:

"Jesus, Who testifies to these things says,
'Yes! I am coming quickly.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. "

Revelation 22:20



Anonymous said...

Hi Jocelyne, that was a very encouraging post! Absolutely. I didn't know you had this blog, at least I can comment on this one ;)

Moving next week so will be scarce, take care!

mariel said...

Great great great post!!! What an incredible reminder...thank you! love your blog, too! I will visit often! Mariel