Sunday, April 20, 2008

Loved Me to Death

Once upon a time,

He Loved me. Yes,

He Loved me to death.

His own death, that is.

But now, He says to me...

Let me Love you...
Love you to Life.

It's not enough that
I am saved from
eternal separation
from God, though
I'm eternally grateful.

I want to also not be
separated from Him
here and now.

Oh, I know He is with me...
Closer than a brother...
I know He knows the number
of hairs on my head...
and that nothing is hid from
Him with whom I have to do.

But there is yet more.
An "abiding" more.

When I'm misbehavin',
He steps back...
Withdraws a bit...
As if asking me, "Am I
leading you there?"

I know what's wrong,
His Spirit tells me so.

Now - what am I to do?

He reminds me... there is...
no condemnation,
let me love you,
right now,
to Life.
Follow me,
right now,
into Life.

"I am come
that ye might have life,
and that you might have it
more abundantly."
John 10:10

Lazarus, resurrected from the dead.

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