Friday, January 25, 2008

There is a Reason

I had a conversation with a man the other day.
He would not acknowledge that there was a God.
He would say... "What kind of God
would create a world like this!
All the pain and misery?"

He had a point.
We do wonder about evil.
It surfaces every day.
In my heart, in your heart,
on the street, in the workplace, on the homefront.
Behind closed doors, and right there on the screen.

But how quickly some,
from the well of their own
confused hearts,
ascribe evil to God.

We forget what He did
that should quell any such notions.

Leaving the halls of heaven,
and taking a giant step for mankind,
He stepped right into our world...

He preached against,
and exposed evil.

He preached how to avoid it and
the how to be delivered from it.

He touched and healed
and loved all who
came to him in order
to drive home His message.

And He forgave.
Over and over again.

Then He walked in deeper,
over His head,
allowing evil
to take Him and beat Him...
grab Him by the arms
and hang Him on a cross,
and finally... allowed evil
to swallow Him up.

All-Good allowed Evil to crucify It.

And because God does not want automatons
(read automorons...)
He would not be satisfied with...
"you will love me because I say so..."

(Love must be willfully chosen to mean anything.)

So... He gives us a scenario
within which we can decide...

Will I or
Won't I?

I imagine Him teaching us,
right here, right now,
the consequences of evil
and how it spoils everything.

Somehow, for some reason,
we all need to learn this,
all the way down to the pain
in our hearts
and the tears in our eyes.

I will not judge the Almighty,
and how He chooses to teach.
Fathers do many wonderful and
unbelievable things that
children do not have the capability
to understand, until later...

And that's where I am.

Standing on His wisdom and His Word.
Standing on His Life and on His Death.
And on the almighty resurrection
of a God no man or devil can kill.

He Knows What He's Doing.
I can trust a God that loves me to death.

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