Monday, January 07, 2008

It's not About Happiness

C.S. Lewis said this...

“If you think of this world as a place
simply for our happiness,
you find it quite intolerable:
think of it
as a place of training and correction

and it’s not so bad.” -
God in the Dock

Boot camp. That's what I would call it.
Well, more accurately, full out war.

There's no mistaking it - we exist
in a world
conflicting powers.

The power of evil,
anxious to control;
and the power of good;
each wanting my soul.

Some don't think there's a war
going on.
I understand that.
And this is where we split ways...
But I believe there is a war going on.

Ever heard of landing
on enemy territory
and doing nothing?
Guess who's dog meat?

There is no off-duty.

I can choose to be defensive...
or get on the offensive...
but I better not be a sitting duck.

It is definetly my move.

Though happiness does not
in this picture
of war,
Joy does...


1. Because I am not alone.

(One Who is closer than a brother,
and loves me beyond understanding,

abides within me and strengthens me.)

And because this is not my
final destination.

(On this earth, there simply
is no place like Home...
and just the thought of
delights my Heart.)

And to the degree that
I believe these two things,

to that degree,
I will experience joy.

This year, I'm in pursuit of the joy
that is to be found
only in Him.

The thief cometh not, but for to steal,
and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

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