Thursday, September 27, 2007

Can Unbelief be EVIL?

Isn't it just... a weakness?
A sign of immaturity?
A small thing that you outgrow?

Hebrews 3:12 calls it "an evil heart of unbelief"
and says you are departing from God while
you entertain unbelief.

Unbelief, then, is not just a weakness.
It's not simply ignorance.
Not a slip of the heart.
Not a bad habit.
Not a small thing, by any means, but Evil.

Wow. That's interesting.

How often do I fall into unbelief?

And I don't mean the kind
of unbelief that can't seem to twist
God's arm for a miracle.

If "God hath said"... is all over the Bible,
what is it that pulls me to question it?

God hath said.... Come unto me, and I will give you rest.
And, Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.
And, God is Good...
And, God is Love

And, He who humbles himself will be exalted.
And, I will never leave you nor forsake you.

We want to take "God Hath Said..."
and make it into "Hath God Really Said...?"
Just like the Father of Lies did to Eve.

Many things said by God may not happen overnight...
but you can rest assured they will happen.
And if not overnight, is that reason for me to fall
into unbelief?

Is that reason for me to be despondent?

Is He not the Lover of my Soul?

Is He not my Comforter and Helper?
Is He not my Heavenly Father and my Creator?

Unbelief says, "naaaaah... isn't true for me."

Boiled down, unbelief calls God a liar.

And I have to agree... that makes
unbelief evil and wicked. All that God wants
for us is for our good, because He is good.
He is Love. There is no hint of darkness in Him.

God help me when I don't believe!
I totally confess my unbelief...


Anonymous said...

Believing is something we do by nature as children. As we become older we develope our reasoning powers and belief must be justified. Unbelief cannot be EVIL if it is justified. God is not justifiable so unbelief is GOOD,

Jocelyne Sade said...

Does God need man's justification?

DOes the created judge the Creator?

Will Mona Lisa criticize De Vinci?

Webster Defines JUSTIFY:

1. to show to be just, right, or in accord with reason; vindicate.

(God? In need to be proven right or in accord with our faulty reasoning?! Are you perfect?)

2. to free from blame; declare guiltless; to absolve

(God? In need to be proven innocent?! By sinners?)

-Webster's New World Dictionary

(My words in parantheses)

Something is turned around!

We can think way too highly of ourselves and literally shove God off the throne (in our minds, of course). That's no a small thing.

You are right... unbelief is not evil if it applies.

Unbelief (IN CONTEXT with what I was saying, that is, in regards to faith in God) is evil if it dismisses Him.

God is not dead and will one day ask you... "Who are You?"

P.S. Until then, God will love the unbeliever and will not stop calling as long as he/she has breath... and even when they stop calling Him. You can't dismiss love.