Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weak? Wounded? What else is new?

"Give yourself fully to God.
He will use you to accomplish
great things on the condition
that you believe much more
in His love than in your own

- Mother Teresa

So, I should leave my weaknesses alone
- after handing them over to God, that is.

Like, my weaknesses and my wounds
are not even my own to manage!

I strongly believe that to the degree
I allow God to work through me,

to that degree I will find healing for
those wounds upon which I've wasted
so much effort in trying to be rid of...

or to that degree I will find strength for
those weaknesses I've wasted so much
futile effort in trying to overcome.

Kinda like -
overcoming evil with good.

Without getting stuck
in the evil.

Just like Jesus said to do.

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