Sunday, July 01, 2007


There are clean cups and
there are less than clean cups.
I always peek to see if I have
a clean one if I want a good
cup of tea! We have open
cupboards for a while.

If I want my guest
to have a good cup of coffee,
I better grab a clean cup.

What one can put in a cup is endless.
Choices galore.

Cappuccino, espresso, cinnamon tea,
hot cocoa w/whipped cream, Earl Grey,
cafe latte, hot milk and honey.

Mmmmm... marshmallows on top.
Now that's irresistible.

But, finding a little mouse poop floating
on top of my drink ruins everything.
Or Lint.
Or hair.
Or, or, a bug!


I wonder... what kind of cup am I?

Should the Lord walk by and look inside of me...
(and He does... very lovingly...)

What will He find?
A clean cup?
or a dirty cup?

He won't fill a dirty cup, you know.

What He gives requires a clean cup.
What He gives is very very clean.

"Be ye holy, for I am holy"

saith the Lord.

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