Sunday, July 29, 2007

Greedy Thrift

"Many Christians dread the
thought of leaving this world,

because so many have stored up
their treasures on earth,

and not in heaven." -Randy Alcorn

Would it be safe to say all I have,
I have received?

I think so.

I came into this world with nothing but a cry...

Everything I have has been given to me.
But right now, I'm feeling the weight
of everything I own like it was on my own back.
And it's getting tiresome.

I've decided I will begin to

lighten the load.

No, we don't make a lot of money,
and it's not that I've spent thousands,
but I have shopped thrift
until thrift has become greed...

so I vow to turn that around.
And to become really really rich
In the things that matter!

So help me God!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Intimate Choice

My friend,

Will your desire for genuine intimacy,

Lead you to false intimacy?

There are two intimacies.
Both move us.

One is
holy. The other is evil.

Be full of care.

We do have an enemy.

Which Trinity Will We Embrace?

I am working hard to
never minimize what the flesh,
the world, and the Devil can do...

Spiderman, struggling in black...

Their plan is to keep me as distracted
from my Father, as involved with sin, and
as careless about it all as possible.
They want my company now and into
eternity, where they will keep me close.

Which trinity will I embrace?

The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit?
The world, the flesh and the devil...
Which trinity will I choose to be intimate with?

They're not opposites.
They are simply enemies.

I cannot belong to two opposing armies.
And when I try, I go insane.
Both will want to destroy me.

I'll choose the Trinity that Loves me.

There is no detached looking-on.
I am either in one camp or the other.
I am either embracing the Hell-bent trinity,
Or the Heavenly Trinity.
I even hate to set them side by side,
So far are they truly apart from each other.

But no, while on earth... they will be side by side.
So close it makes my hair stand on end.

Adam and Eve's choice
is still set before me today.
Choice is God's divine appointment.
With me.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Life is Holy

"We serve Life not because it is broken,

but because it is Holy. "

-Mother Teresa

Holy: Belonging to God.

Holy: God's idea.

So. Even though this is the way it seems
much of the time,
Life is not all about
There is a coming out.
A pushing through all the pains
that surround you,
or that pound
And there's a pushing into Holiness.
Making Life worth living.

Is that promising, or what!

Sometimes I feel like I'm having a baby again.
I'm pregnant with what is yet to come.
That My Father has a plan, yet to be
lived out by me.

I feel the pains.
They come and go.
Lately, they come more than go.

But the thought that a baby is coming!
Oh my... Life!
Holy Life!
I can almost feel it in my arms...


Still Wogging...

Who's Education?

“I never let schooling get in the way
of my education.”
–Mark Twain

What I like are these two words...

"my education"

Mark Twain doesn't say...
the education my
teachers are trying to give me

or... the education my
parents are trying to give me

or... the education my
government is trying to give me

He says... MY education.

OK Rory... that's how it is...

We'll provide the paper,
the desk, the love, the pencils,
quiet, the trashcan,
the light, the eraser, the time,
the maps, the
the dictionaries, the
the peace,
and the fresh air,

oh, and the books.
The many many books...

then you can fly.....


Love you...
mom and dad.

Turning on The Mind

"When the mind is turned on
to real learning,
the mind is open,
a love for learning is ignited,

and the student cannot help but
become a great thinker and leader.

Our duty as parents is to keep it
as simple as possible for the child
so as not to overburden them
yet provide them with enough to keep them
progressing forward in their pursuits."

-Donna Vail


The Hard Way

It's a battle.
It's a struggle.
It's a fight.
It hurts.
And I often wonder... is it worth it?

But how could I ask such a thing...
When God has dredged me out of the muddy swamp,

cleaned me up, and set me on A Rock?

How could I ask such a thing...

When He, through His own incomprehensible suffering
Made Eternal Life With Him possible for me?

When even Heaven's angels gape at what I have,
Wondering how it can all be possible?

When I have been selected and set apart
For incredible opportunity
Being a vessel of the One Holy God who says
He Is Love?

He is Love.
A Love that has bled for me.
A Love that has suffered torture and humiliation,
Abandonment to a long and Lonely death
And a Hellish time with none to rescue?

But the Way He leads hurts
As I read recently, Messy-Love it Is
I might add, a rather bloody Way as well.
And at times I want to retreat
Because I don't always feel that Love
I just feel the Mess.

And I get lonely.
And preoccupied with self.

And what I suffer.
And didn't get in life.
And am still not getting.

I have a lot to learn
about the Love of God.
About resting in Him.
About trusting Him.

Dear Heavenly Father...
Let me In to You.
I want to get closer,
need to get closer.
I'm knocking...
timid, tired,
but knocking.


WOGing continues...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weak? Wounded? What else is new?

"Give yourself fully to God.
He will use you to accomplish
great things on the condition
that you believe much more
in His love than in your own

- Mother Teresa

So, I should leave my weaknesses alone
- after handing them over to God, that is.

Like, my weaknesses and my wounds
are not even my own to manage!

I strongly believe that to the degree
I allow God to work through me,

to that degree I will find healing for
those wounds upon which I've wasted
so much effort in trying to be rid of...

or to that degree I will find strength for
those weaknesses I've wasted so much
futile effort in trying to overcome.

Kinda like -
overcoming evil with good.

Without getting stuck
in the evil.

Just like Jesus said to do.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


"Let us resolve at once
that it will be the one
of our life
and worship,
a continual,
a humble,
a truthful,
Waiting On God."

-Andrew Murray

The Great Exchange!

I love the idea of

Such a heartwarming,
motivating Christian principle...
That I can exchange the old for the new,
the defunct for the workable,

the woefully deficient...

...for the joyfully effective.

But when I first heard of this principle...
It was depicted as somewhat of a grand affair.
Yes!!! Out with the Old!!!
In with the New!!!
From self to Christ!
From death to Life!
From darkness to Light!

How grand the thought!

But something was missing.
Some evasive element -
Something was too


It was the very one thing
that if I could catch it,
would make all the difference for me.

Then I caught it...

The Bite-By-Bite bit that was missing -

that says one day at a time.

and if that's too hard,
one hour at a time.

and if that's
too hard,
well then,
one step at a time.

One step at a time,
allowing God to
Exchange in my life...

the bad for the good
the sour for the sweet
the negative for the positive
the unholy for the holy.

One step at a time.
One little bit at a time.
Handing me over to Him.

And when my Father looks upon me...

He is pleased, very pleased, at how I'm doing.
Not because I'm perfect...
but because I'm willing to be perfected.
It's a willing-heart thing.
Thank God, it's a willing-heart thing.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

By Betty Scott Stam
Written when she was 10
Martyr for Christ, 1930's
China Inland Mission

I cannot live like Jesus
Example though He be
For He was strong and selfless
And I am tied to me.
I cannot live like Jesus
My soul is never free
My will is strong and stubborn
My love is weak and wee.
But I have asked my Jesus
To live His life in me
I cannot look like Jesus
More beautiful is He
In soul and eye and stature
Than sunrise on the sea.
Behold His warm, His tangible
His dear humanity.
Behold His white perfection
Of purest deity.
Yet Jesus Christ has promised
That we like Him shall be.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Father's Ear

I know what I want...
I want to talk to God like I would my own dad.
Right there - up front and unafraid.
I want to say -

"Hey Dad! Look at this!!! What do you think?"
or -
"Oh Dad... I just don't know... what do you think?"
or then again,
"Gee Dad, they hurt me... what do I do?

I mean, the Bible calls Him the Wonderful Counselor!

Oh the privilege!

All I believe I need
is a keen awareness of my own,
total bankruptcy,
and how much I need Him.

That's when He scoots up to the edge of His Throne,
points His finger, and says -
"Ah, see that one over there, Angels?
The one who sees her poverty?


I want to hear and answer this precious one."

So, that's what I want.
I want my Father's ear...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Even King David Posted

Yes, he did.
King David had his own "site".

He posted an awful lot
and with awful honesty.

He posted in his log book...
He dictated his words...
And we get to read them today.

Pretty cool.
King David, a B-logger.

(Bible Logger)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Take It To Him

"Never hesitate to take
what you think
are small things to God;
after all, everything is small to God!"

But that which is a huge obstacle,
some insurmountable weight to you...

...He knows about. Yes, He knows more
about it than you do. He also knows
just what to do.
He is not surprised.
He is not frustrated.
He is not stumped.
He's not bewildered.
He's not wringing His hands...
He's not seeking counsel...

And you can Trust Him with it.
You can Trust Him with it.

Joe sr with Joe jr

Sunday, July 01, 2007


There are clean cups and
there are less than clean cups.
I always peek to see if I have
a clean one if I want a good
cup of tea! We have open
cupboards for a while.

If I want my guest
to have a good cup of coffee,
I better grab a clean cup.

What one can put in a cup is endless.
Choices galore.

Cappuccino, espresso, cinnamon tea,
hot cocoa w/whipped cream, Earl Grey,
cafe latte, hot milk and honey.

Mmmmm... marshmallows on top.
Now that's irresistible.

But, finding a little mouse poop floating
on top of my drink ruins everything.
Or Lint.
Or hair.
Or, or, a bug!


I wonder... what kind of cup am I?

Should the Lord walk by and look inside of me...
(and He does... very lovingly...)

What will He find?
A clean cup?
or a dirty cup?

He won't fill a dirty cup, you know.

What He gives requires a clean cup.
What He gives is very very clean.

"Be ye holy, for I am holy"

saith the Lord.