Monday, May 12, 2008


After watching Ben Stein's movie,
"Expelled" this week,
I came away with great comfort,
AND confirmation... personal ID is firm,
settled, and very comfortable.

There is no question as to who I am.
Where I'm from.
Where I'm going.
And it's a wonderful feeling.

God is my source.
God is my Creator.

That is refreshing.

Imagine thinking you come from a monkey!
Or worse yet, from the bosom of a mud swamp.
There's something unsettling, uncomfortable,
illogical and hopeless about that.

I grew up sitting at the dinner table
where mom served us healthy meals,
and Dad served us evolution.
My dad is a
very smart, loving man,
and I love him immensely, but...

evolution never sat well
with me (2nd from left).
All those years, it never did.
Wouldn't digest properly.
The very fibers of my body
thought it rather odd.

It was like getting in your car
and hearing a noise you don't
normally hear. Hmmmm, you
wonder... something's wrong...

That's how it's always been.
Big bang?
Swamp origin?
No... too much evidence
that there is a God.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made...

and that my soul knoweth right well"

Psalms 139:14

Yes, my soul knew all along.

On February 25, 1973,
at age 20, I discovered Him,
and along with Him, my true ID.


I wish you the same knowledge.
The same discovery.
The same Truth.
I wish you to discover your
Intelligent Designer...

The Heavenly Father, Who wishes
to be your Father as well.

This awesome Intelligent Designer
intelligently designed ...


What a great ID!

"Blessed are those who have not seen,
and yet believe."

~Jesus, to doubting Thomas.

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