Thursday, May 22, 2008

He or Me?

I have come to see two
opposing forces

operating in my life.
I am either striving towards self-realization
I'm striving towards Christ-realization.

So, what am I seeking?
To understand more and more about myself?
How I came to be who I am?
What has shaped my personality to be as it is?
And why I behave as I do rather than as I would like?
Or what forces in early childhood have affected me
and created the being that I am today?

Is that what I am seeking?

Is that what truly matters in the great scheme of things?

If that is what I'm seeking,
I'm afraid I'm wasting a lot
of precious time.

I'm stunting my growth.
I'm stuck in the wrong place.
And here is why I think this way.

If I am priviledged to have become a child of God,
and If I am honored to be so called,
I have a responsibility to become all that my
Father has called me to be.

And what has He called me to be?

A better me?

No. Not a better me.

A Brand New me.

I am to be Christ-like.

That means I need not "fix" my self.
That means I need not go back and "heal" my self.
That means I need not worry about my self.

I am now to be conformed into His Image and Likeness.

Like in the beginning, when everything was just fine.

Before Satan introduced the idea
that I could
really be like God
if I wanted to be...

by doing my own thing
and ignoring God...

What a liar he was.
What a liar he is.

And what a mess he made.

And what a mess we make...
when we seek to take
care of our selves
apart from our Creator.

God help me become this New Person
you intend on making me.
God help me get out of the way
and help me to cooperate with You.

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