Saturday, May 31, 2008

Forsaken to Taken

When Father and Mother Forsake,
Alas! Me... God shall take.

When Husband or Children
dish out heartbreak,
Alas! Me... God shall take.

When fears hover...
I shall take cover...
In the bosom of Savior,

For no man can ease
Heart's yearning pleas.
Alas! Only man's Creator.


Thursday, May 22, 2008


1. Anxiety
2. Abba
3. See

As simple as...

A. Anxiety comes.
B. Abba Father! help!
C. See, child, what I can do...

Is there any other way to live?

As the Jovial Ladies Three
To mind comes another Three;
"Anxiety", "Abba", and "See"!
Watchwords, come to rescue me.

Father continually waits upon me
To relinquish all anxiety.
And in return secures for me
A heart and mind of tranquility.

Come, rest, favored one thou art,
And sit upon the Lady's knee...
Beckon JOY... "Come to my heart!
Abba Father heareth me!"

Only, child, be thou beholden
Unto Him who loveth thee.
With courage, thy life emboldened,
Love Him! and cheerful be!

Casting all your care upon Him;
for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7

He or Me?

I have come to see two
opposing forces

operating in my life.
I am either striving towards self-realization
I'm striving towards Christ-realization.

So, what am I seeking?
To understand more and more about myself?
How I came to be who I am?
What has shaped my personality to be as it is?
And why I behave as I do rather than as I would like?
Or what forces in early childhood have affected me
and created the being that I am today?

Is that what I am seeking?

Is that what truly matters in the great scheme of things?

If that is what I'm seeking,
I'm afraid I'm wasting a lot
of precious time.

I'm stunting my growth.
I'm stuck in the wrong place.
And here is why I think this way.

If I am priviledged to have become a child of God,
and If I am honored to be so called,
I have a responsibility to become all that my
Father has called me to be.

And what has He called me to be?

A better me?

No. Not a better me.

A Brand New me.

I am to be Christ-like.

That means I need not "fix" my self.
That means I need not go back and "heal" my self.
That means I need not worry about my self.

I am now to be conformed into His Image and Likeness.

Like in the beginning, when everything was just fine.

Before Satan introduced the idea
that I could
really be like God
if I wanted to be...

by doing my own thing
and ignoring God...

What a liar he was.
What a liar he is.

And what a mess he made.

And what a mess we make...
when we seek to take
care of our selves
apart from our Creator.

God help me become this New Person
you intend on making me.
God help me get out of the way
and help me to cooperate with You.

Monday, May 12, 2008


After watching Ben Stein's movie,
"Expelled" this week,
I came away with great comfort,
AND confirmation... personal ID is firm,
settled, and very comfortable.

There is no question as to who I am.
Where I'm from.
Where I'm going.
And it's a wonderful feeling.

God is my source.
God is my Creator.

That is refreshing.

Imagine thinking you come from a monkey!
Or worse yet, from the bosom of a mud swamp.
There's something unsettling, uncomfortable,
illogical and hopeless about that.

I grew up sitting at the dinner table
where mom served us healthy meals,
and Dad served us evolution.
My dad is a
very smart, loving man,
and I love him immensely, but...

evolution never sat well
with me (2nd from left).
All those years, it never did.
Wouldn't digest properly.
The very fibers of my body
thought it rather odd.

It was like getting in your car
and hearing a noise you don't
normally hear. Hmmmm, you
wonder... something's wrong...

That's how it's always been.
Big bang?
Swamp origin?
No... too much evidence
that there is a God.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made...

and that my soul knoweth right well"

Psalms 139:14

Yes, my soul knew all along.

On February 25, 1973,
at age 20, I discovered Him,
and along with Him, my true ID.


I wish you the same knowledge.
The same discovery.
The same Truth.
I wish you to discover your
Intelligent Designer...

The Heavenly Father, Who wishes
to be your Father as well.

This awesome Intelligent Designer
intelligently designed ...


What a great ID!

"Blessed are those who have not seen,
and yet believe."

~Jesus, to doubting Thomas.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Thank you, Father, that I,

your daughter,
can never
run away from you.

Though I may try.
Though I may wish I could.

But it's Your love
that stays me.
Your merciful,
boundless, compassionate love.

I don't know why...

I'm just thankful that You
are the Lover of my soul.

Friday, May 02, 2008


When once you become born again,
born into the Kingdom not of this world,
you inherit an incredible gift... right away.

You become a member of the Body of Christ,
never to be alone again.

God, your Creator, Jesus, your Lord and Savior
And the Holy Spirit... the Triune God,
is in you the moment you believe...
that alone is enough.

Morover, while your feet are upon this earth,
while your hands touch this world,
and your eyes see His creation before you...

You have with you a comraderie of sisters
and brothers you did not enjoy before.

I am thankful for the Body of Christ,
for the brother who escorted me to

I am safe and sound today because he,
a member of Christ's body,
made sure I was well enmeshed
and involved in the one body of people
who's God is the Lord.

Thank you Harris Kalb.