Monday, April 21, 2008


Mom and Dad...

Please take a moment to view this video...

It's only two minutes long.
That's all.

It's one exquisite look into
the expression of family-time
what it boils down to for
our children...

Please, just click here.

(The place I found this video is a meal-planning website...
and they ask at the end if you need help making family meals
easier... I do not benefit from that offer at all. I just loved the

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Loved Me to Death

Once upon a time,

He Loved me. Yes,

He Loved me to death.

His own death, that is.

But now, He says to me...

Let me Love you...
Love you to Life.

It's not enough that
I am saved from
eternal separation
from God, though
I'm eternally grateful.

I want to also not be
separated from Him
here and now.

Oh, I know He is with me...
Closer than a brother...
I know He knows the number
of hairs on my head...
and that nothing is hid from
Him with whom I have to do.

But there is yet more.
An "abiding" more.

When I'm misbehavin',
He steps back...
Withdraws a bit...
As if asking me, "Am I
leading you there?"

I know what's wrong,
His Spirit tells me so.

Now - what am I to do?

He reminds me... there is...
no condemnation,
let me love you,
right now,
to Life.
Follow me,
right now,
into Life.

"I am come
that ye might have life,
and that you might have it
more abundantly."
John 10:10

Lazarus, resurrected from the dead.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From Bad Apple to Good Apple

"The purpose of Christ's redeeming work
was to make it possible for bad men to
become good - deeply, radically and finally."


Another nugget for my soul.

I can become good.
Not on my own,
through Him, I can.

And yet, I am not experiencing
enough of the good.
I am in
a quandry.

What is the problem here?
I say one thing, and am another.

I see my life... I see the works
of my hands... I see my home...
and I wonder... what am I missing?

There's goodness here, yes.
If it weren't for Christ,
I wouldn't be alive today.
But that's not enough.

Am I being hard on myself?
Yes. I am.
I want more Goodness in my life.
I want more God-ness in my life.
Way more.
I am promised Life Abundant.

It is also written that I
can count on
from glory to glory.

So what is the hindrance?

I'm finding it out.
It's taking a long time...
I'm stubborn,
I'm proud,
I'm interested in me,
Not God's will for me...

and so...
I have...
holy discontent.

Well I should.

"Being confident of this very thing,
He who has begun a good work
in me will perform it until the day
of Jesus Christ.
" Phil. 1:6

Sunday, April 13, 2008


There is something about a wedding
that is unmatched by any other event.

The mix of Love, Anticipation, Celebration...
Beauty everywhere... and all in one day!

A sort of Holy Blend...

And then...


othing is more beautiful than

the bride.

She can take your breath away.

She does take your breath away.

If perchance a wedding is
a rushed
affair, you will find
many willing to loan,
in order that the occasion
be a beautiful one.

It is understood.


But have you heard?

Have you heard
of the grandest
wedding of all?

A King is soon
to be married!

Have you read the news?


He is coming for his Bride.
Do you know her?

Oh How He Loves Her.
Fusses over her.
Would even die for her.

OH Blessed Church...

Beautiful Bride of the Son...

Are there whispers of joy
in your house...
things being done
and prepared...
beauty being thought of
in every possible way...
Is there love in the air...
and great anticipation
motivating all to be ready?

Are YOU ready?

Oh Please Be ready!

Your Groom is at the door!


Biblical references:

"Jesus, Who testifies to these things says,
'Yes! I am coming quickly.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. "

Revelation 22:20


Friday, April 04, 2008

Have a Rest...

"Anxiety shows that we are
too close to the world,

and too far from God."

John Piper

Now that's a test I don't mind taking.

How much anxiety am I carrying?
Right now?
I need look closely...

Anxiety is about as necessary
as a hole
in the head.

Worrry is about as necessary
as another hole in the head.

Poor guy.
Looks silly.
and sad.

So do we.

When we worry
and fret
and fear
and forget
our Father...

Who cares about ALL our cares.
Who carried ALL our cares
to the cross, and cared enough
to set us free of the bondage
and worry
and fretting.

Oh, precious saint...

Rest in Him.
Lean on Him.
Trust in Him...

"... learn of me;
for I am meek
and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest
unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy,
and my burden is light.
Mat 11:29-30