Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Be Still... Jocelyne

"We Please Him most, not by frantically trying
to make ourselves good, but by throwing
ourselves into His arms with all our imperfections,
and believing that He understands everything and
loves us still."
The Root of the Righteous: A.W.Tozer

Oh that I would Be Still...
and not be so worried and
troubled about so many things...
and gut-level-Know
that He is God,
and I am not.

I would then rest.
Working out my salvation
would mean learning to let go.
My yoke is easy... He says.
I am the Vine, He says.
Without Me you can do nothing,
He says.

And my tired soul knows
there is no where else to
satisfy my thirst because
He made me for Him.

You know what He says to me?
He says, "Be still, Jocelyne,
while I untie the knots.
Only I know how...

Trust Me. I know you and love you.
Wanderings, Knots, Confusions,
seemingly Tragic Blunders and all.

I AM the Redeemer of ALL
that pertains to you.
Now be still, and trust Me."

So I get to be still.
and let go of my miserable perplexities.
I don't care that men think I am a fool.
Life IS tragic, and I intend to
give mine away to the only One
who can redeem it and bring forth fruit.
He is making my life de-vinely beautiful.
Deep inside, where it counts.

I am waking up.
I am coming into my own.
My own blessed bankruptcy.
At last...
At long last...



Anonymous said...

That poem is desperate. I do not like its message. Tell us what happens after the bankruptcy that you have been in for twenty years now. When does the good part come. At what point do you stop being helpless to yourself and others? don't get me wrong. It is a good poem. I just question the message. It makes me wish that I could help

Jocelyne Sade said...

Well said. It IS desperate.
You caught the core of the prose.

And desperation is a good thing.
A very good thing - IF if it draws you to God.

I have to see and accept the cold, hard, difficult truth, before I can
be set free from it. I also have
to be Waiting on God for the answer. I do not want it from any other source.

Yes, God uses people, but He knows I mean to hit the mother load. I need to hear from Him. And He says I can. He has made the way.

So - I am waiting on God, to, in His own time, speak deliverance. I may let you know when He does - though some things can be too private to share.

Thank you for your comment.