Thursday, September 25, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Testimony

Long Beach, California was the place.
February 25, 1973 was the date.
I was twenty years old.
And lost.

Drugs taking a place in my life
where hunger and sadness ruled.
I was desperate and didn't know it.

I walked into this place one way;
ignorant, soul-hungry, alone and afraid.
I walked out a different way;
touched, given the Bread of Life,
and never to be alone again.

It was at this Chapel of our Fathers,
on the Forest Lawn Mortuary
in Cypress of Sunny Southern California...

Almost too perfect to be true, it was.

A step-cousin from Florida, Bible in hand,
had, like the wind, blown in unexpectedly
to visit our family for a week or so.

("The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound
thereof  [the Word], but cannot tell where it comes, and where
it goes [only God knows]:so is everyone that is born of the Spirit." 

John 3:8)

He spoke those words off those pages to me
for two days straight,
back and forth, from
Old Testament to New Testament. (Seeds planted)

I had to listen, he was rather handsome, and I
had nothing better to do.

I did not yet see, I did not yet understand 
in full, but I heard the Word. And that step-
cousin left like he came; (oh well) as the wind
blows; in, all around, and out.

And a week or so later,
another wind blew my way.

An old boyfriend came to the house
to see me. Unannounced. Uninvited.
Just like the wind.

Asked if I would come to church with him
the upcoming Sunday. I said "sure".

(No one comes to the Son unless the Father
draws him. John6:44;  
And I, when I be lifted up, will draw all men
unto myself. John 12:32;
Yea... with lovingkindness have I drawn
thee to myself. Jer. 31:3)

I had nothing to lose. To think that someone
would even ask me to go anywhere with
them surprised me.

So I went to this little church in the big city...
see how pretty it was?

The pastor stood up there and preached.
Don't recall exactly what his message was
about, but at the end... he asked for a show of
hands from anyone interested in receiving
Christ as their Lord and Savior
that their sins might be forgiven,
their lives cleansed,
their souls revived,
and their destiny secured.

I couldn't do it.
I could not raise my hand.

(Except a man be born of water [natural]
and of the Spirit [supernatural], he cannot -

cannot  - enter into the kingdom of God. 
John 3:5)

He wouldn't want me... I thought...
that's impossible.

So guess what He did.

He received me. He drew me

to Himself... just as the Word says...
just as He had said He would...
some 2,000 years ago.

It was like this...

I stood there in tears, 

not knowing what to do... 
feeling totally unacceptable... and
there came a vision of His arms and chest... 

open wide... for me.
There He was...

He received me.

Imagine that.

And at the end of the service
I went forward, 

(how could I not?)
and listened,
and nodded, and agreed,

Yes, Jesus is the Son of God,
yes, He did die for my sins,
yes, I do need His forgiveness,
yes, I now belong to Him,

and I wiped my nose
and my eyes

and my cheeks.

And from that day on, 

I was no longer alone.
(Lo, I am with you always. Matthew 28:20)

I had inherited this huge, huge family.
Many more than Toula's Big Fat Greek family.
And I was welcome... to be with them.

It was all so new.
I had been so alone.
For so long.

Afraid of everything.

And now this.
It was so surreal.
Yes. That's what it was.
Supernaturally REAL.

I was born of the Spirit...
born from above.

(John 3:1, 14-16)

And today, THAT is my citizenship.

One day soon, I will be going home.
Where I belong.
All by the grace of God.
Nothing to do with me.

(No earning anything.)

To GOD be the glory
for what HE has done!

Monday, September 08, 2008


WHAT? Chief of sinners?
Yes. That's me. Chief of sinners.
And that's how it should be.
Otherwise, I'm fooling myself.

Unelss I see myself as I really am,
there is no reason for change nor a desire to.

I almost relish it.
As Paul did - he "gloried in his weakness".

Is it too far to go... glorying in my weakness?

No! It is what makes room for the Saviour.

Indeed... I glory in my weakness...
and possess it fully.

Yes, yes, I will move on.
But first things first.

It took a long time getting here...
and I want the conviction to remain.

Indeed, I am the Chief of Sinners.

"Sin is a brat that nobody
is willing to own."

Commentator Matthew Henry
