Saturday, August 02, 2008

Love Them So.

I have three sons...

and I love them so...

When they were little,
I messed up a bit.

And consequences have kicked in.

I didn't mean to mess up.
But I did.

(I loved them so.)

I think about it and cringe.
If they only knew.
I didn't plan it this way.

(I still loved them so.)

I thought I understood so many things
when they were young.
Read all the right books.
I thought I had it all under control.

I didn't.

I remember when it first became apparent.
We had company.
They behaved poorly.
I was surprised...
I hadn't seen it coming.

(I still loved them so.)

And many times,
home times around the fire,
camping out behind the barn,
playing in the corn fields,
swimming the lake out back,
we did do things right.
We did do things right a lot.
We really did.

And then they grew older.
They grew more independent.
They became young men.
They spread their wings.

I believe we held them a bit too tight.
Not always, but often.

Sometimes we misunderstood.
Sometimes they misunderstood.
Sometimes we were difficult.
Sometimes they were difficult.
No one is perfect.
Not me.
Not them...

Oh, How I love them so!

And somehow,
I think they know.